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Beauty Sutra is the legacy of an idea that seemed to be so simple, yet was deemed so elegant and beautiful – Natural handmade soaps and bath essentials. Our products effortlessly manage to capture the essence of natural ingredients and provide customers with the utmost satisfaction.

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Handmade Luxury Soaps

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Dead Sea Mud Soap




Beauty Sutra Dead Sea Mud Soap is a potion brewed with exquisite ingredients of natural nourishment. It’s unique healing properties have been used since ancient times.

Dead Sea Mud Soap offers a mesmerising blend of Dead Sea mud, Argan oil, Honey, Aloe-vera and Vitamin E, a perfect therapy for all skin types to nourish, hydrate and leave you rejuvenated

The rich Dead Sea Mud has a high concentration of skin-nourishing minerals that instantly restore the nutrients depleted from the skin and accelerated skin cell regeneration. The mud absorbs all toxins, rehydrates dry skin and tightens the skin pores. Argan Oil protects the skin from the sun’s harsh radiations and is moisture loaded with anti-oxidants that have anti-ageing properties.

With the divine trinity of Dead Sea Mud, Argan Oil, and Honey this soap is one of our most exclusive variant launched for the Indian market.

Key Ingredients: Dead Sea Mud, Argan Oil, Aloe vera oil, Vitamin E oil, fragrance, soap base q.s.(Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Castor Oil, Sodium Myristate (coco derived), Honey, Glycerine

The essential salts are so invigorating that you feel you have stepped out of a Middle Eastern bathing ritual! The fragrance captivates your senses for hours together.