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Beauty Sutra is the legacy of an idea that seemed to be so simple, yet was deemed so elegant and beautiful – Natural handmade soaps and bath essentials. Our products effortlessly manage to capture the essence of natural ingredients and provide customers with the utmost satisfaction.

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Handmade Luxury Soaps

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Blue Lotus Luxury Soap




Sacred to Ancient Egyptian culture, this beautiful blue flower was a symbol of spirituality thought to have healing, balancing, and relaxing qualities. Blue Lotus had a majestic stretch of limelight back through thousands of years of history and across Egyptian culture, especially used by the Egyptian Pharaoh’s back then, It’s a flower of such beauty, intoxicating scent and inebriating effect that it has spread from culture to culture like a virtual wildfire.

Blue Lotus Flower formally known as Nymphaea caerulea is a tropical water lily that features beautiful light blue star-shaped flowers. You may also hear it referred to as Egyptian lotus, sacred blue lily or blue water lily.

This flower primarily grows in Egypt and certain parts of Asia, where it was considered to be a sacred symbol of creation and rebirth. Its use can be dated all the way back to ancient Egypt, when it was used as a traditional medicine on skin and for relaxation.

Blue lotus flower is also known to offer a variety of benefits when applied directly to the skin.

  • Moisturizes dry skin
  • Calms and soothes irritated skin
  • Fights inflammation
  • Balances oil production, which can help to prevent acne
  • Promotes smooth skin texture
  • Boosts radiance

An ultra-hydrating soap variant, enables the skin to breathe more freely. Naturally extracted from the Blue Lotus flower petals, the nourishing property of this oil makes it ideal to be used in Luxury soaps. Blue lotus can not only help control our sebum production and balancing out oily skin, but hydrate and improve elasticity as well as it contains vitamin A. It helps reduce inflammation and promotes healing of skin. Blue lotus soap also contains Goat’s milk which is laden with skin minerals and vitamins, particularly vitamin A, the most important vitamin for the skin.

The best natural care for you!

Key Ingredients: Blue Lotus Essential oil, Aloe vera oil, Vitamin E oil, fragrance, soap base q.s. (Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Castor Oil, Sodium Myristate (coco derived), Glycerine, Goat Milk )

Blue lotus soap was by far the best soap I have used, it was a spa like effect when I bathe with it, takes me to a different world everytime I use…